
Michael Shell Mayor 2018 Make Gadsden GROW Again

Gadsden Mayor Election 28 August 2018 elect Michael Shell. elect.MichaelShellMayor.com Make Gadsden GROW Again.

Welcome to our page.
Michael Shell 
is committed to leading Gadsden Alabama 
to growing again.
Share you thoughts and growth ideas on our
facebook page Make Gadsden GROW Again .

Michael Shell Mayor Facebook Page
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 Gadsden's election 28 August 2018.
Get Ready.
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Get Growing with Michael Shell Mayor.


 Gadsden has so many good people.
Gadsden has so many good employees.
Gadsden is a great place to work and live.

Michael Shell is committed to
Making Gadsden Grow Again.
We Can.
We Will, with you help and support.
Follow Michael Shell for Mayor on twitter.



This is a Team effort.
Gadsden Alabama has been in decline for many years.
Growth starts with a 
Growth minded mayor and city council.
Fact;   1950 Gadsden's population was 55,000
Today about 36,000
Leadership Matters.
Together we will
Make Gadsden Great Again.
Making Gadsden Strong Again, and last but not least,
Make Gadsden Grow Again.

Michael Shell Mayor Facts


 Gadsden Mayor Election 28 August 2018 elect Michael Shell. elect.MichaelShellMayor.com Make Gadsden GROW Again.